Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why we crave wicked 251

"trackback:ping="http://relationships.blog-city.com/read/trackback/412228052.htm"/ >--> email"H E"published Sun, 20/03/11


I am so happy that you can see directly and can pin point the reasoning very twisted behind why we love "bad men". It is true, we are not necessarily a bad generally dude who treats his dog better than we, instead, we love the thrill of being "the girl who he tamed" or "the girl that seduced him." I also think that it is because that whenever I see a girl with a "bad boy" I automatically assume that it is the most mysterious person in the world, because who else could get a "bad boy" interested? When a guy leads an exciting life, there must be a woman even more exciting for him is worth while. I just hope that the good in this world do not lose hope. Yes, Nice, you might be unique for the majority of your 20, but just wait, your 30 years will be ballin! I like the truth in this post. Bravo!

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1 Dave left...Sun, 20/03/11 5: 01 am

Good guys always get sloppy seconds

2 Carlos left...Tue, 11/03/22 6: 46 pm

Good guys get the left overs. These women especially those posted his comment are an example of why men should wise up. If you are a woman like this when it struck his 30 to marry you, of course, it will be, but it will be cheating on you with one of his old flames (bad boy).

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