Monday, May 2, 2011

Lost this magnet feeling 253

"trackback:ping=""/ >--> email"H E"posted Mon, 11/03/28


Married men who seek business is a category that exists for almost as long as the marriage itself.  Why so many married men are looking for business? Long did it take for the married men and women to understand what is happening to the passion when you're with the same person night after night, doing the same thing night after night.  I'm guessing that it was shortly after the first batch of marriages that married people began the search for an extramarital affair with someone else who loved the wedding, just missed the passion.  Passion in a marriage is much more than the sexual act itself.  An intimate encounter goes further with the one you love.  It creates a psychological sense of security and of the connection.  A high physical and psychological because you are in a safe place where you are there the most important thing. He is a man want to man and in turn gives him a sense of propriety.  It is responsible for the security and General of his wife.  It is the provider of this sentiment and it to protect.  This is obvious to all and his wife feels it and then feels safe and content.  However, this feeling that a man gets physical attention of his wife is in any permanent way.  It requires daily attention.  We can understand that running a household and kids and PTA and blah blah blah require a lot of time and attention as well.  We understand that on the outside, but inside, we are now last on the list still should always feel the same.  IT IS NOT! We begin to feel the caring for someone and start to fantasize stands about a night with the women of cheating.  We daydream on sexual behaviour without strings attached (NSA) and the discreet meetings we restore this sense of being human.  We find ourselves looking married personal ads online, initially just to reassure us that we are not the only one.  We soon discover that there is more than four million users of various affair married type of Web sites.  Half of them are women.  It is the line to the bottom of a husband losing the desire to give his wife his undivided attention.  Now you have two people who have lost this sense of truly be the Centre of the other world.  Now you have married women in business with membership as married men who seek business.  Cheating wives seeking husbands cheat they already had to find the feeling.  He was strong enough once you get both at the altar.  There are several other reasons of a crisis of average age of vengeance which can be attributed to infidelity.  The day of married men who seek business are as old as the marriage itself and appear to be here to stay

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1 relations left love...SAT, 09/04/11 1: 00 am:

If people were happy to stay single, nobody would have never married. Yes, it is true that after some time that passion and romance may wear off, but have a binding creates even more problems. It is all for us to keep our love, passion and love living as our parents great has done and enjoy being with someone who really cares for you. Anything!Great article! Thanks for posting!

2 Eileen Lenson left...Wed, 13/04/11 5: 46 pm:

You are very correct on extramarital affairs being around a long time. While the reasons for extramarital affairs are virtually unlimited, I see a few cases occur with frequency.1. Modelling: An individual observed a parent relating to his own marriage with infidelity. The child then grows to see business as a means to cope with the unhappiness.2. A bad Communication: too often a couple does not have the necessary skills to communicate properly. They can argue about money, children and step-parents find, but the real issue is power or respect. If the couple does not know how identify and process the basic question, the alienation between them will be strengthen.3. Growth: When their young marriage, a couple have not had the opportunity to really know who they are. As a member of the couple grows, it may be threatening to the other spouse, which may equate growth with abandon. This fear can cause a person turning off marriage for validation.4. Transient person: sometimes a person has decided that the marriage is irretrievable. Out of the marriage on the arms of an another relationship temporary, is sometimes a way to relieve the pain of completing the marriage.Several times, I wish that the school system will dedicate some time to teach children to communicate more effectively with others!

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